Thursday, March 14, 2019

5th week day 2

home/root123/Pictures/Screenshot from 2019-03-15 09-42-44.png

To reduce the hold up, we end to propose our plan of dominant the road divider for an additional lane as per would  like with the assistance of IOT.
1. As per the holdup ascertained in our lifestyle through the time period cameras.

2. We gather the info collected from the cameras and send them to cloud for analysing the traffic.

3.In analysis half, the info are going  to  be analysed mistreatment raspberry  pi through image process.

4. After analysing, the required action is performed whether or not to  push/pop the divider.

5. To build the higher than aforesaid proposal we tend to need ton of funds and time.

6. So, for nonce we tend to square measure coming up with our paradigm in Movable Mechanism (left/right) rather than push/pop mistreatment Arduino. The main advantage in the system is No human power is required.

code for push and pop of the line divider .

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